
fill in to recycle your cartridge
is to consume more responsible

To date on the 1,1 milliards de cartouches vendues dans le monde, seules 30% sont recycléesThis is not the case when a cartridge is discarded in the wild, it takes 1000 years to decompose. Et pourtant, recycler sa cartouche d’encre est à présent possible. 
375 million cartridges end in the bin each year, or 11 cartridges thrown away per second. In France, used cartridges represent 60,000 tonnes of non-recyclable polluting waste that must be buried.

Si toutes les cartouches étaient réutilisés au moins une fois, nous pourrions diminuer de 50% les déchets liés aux consommables of printing. Since the opening of our first bar at encres in the USA, we filled more than 30 million cartridges That's 750 tonnes of landfill waste saved and we owe it all to you.THANK YOU for the planet!

Outre les économies réalisées grâce au Bar à Encres, recycler sa cartouche contribue ainsi à réduire l’empreinte environnementale liée aux déchets plastiques des cartouches d’encre. En optant pour la recharge, vous évitez donc la production de nouvelles cartouches et aidez à préserver les ressources naturelles. C’est une démarche écologique qui s’inscrit dans une approche de consommation responsable.

THANK YOU for the planet! And once again : "Recycling your ink cartridge is protecting the planet” 

you wish to
haveatry with us?

You are a distributor and want to offer your customers a quality service, more environmentally friendly and at a low price? Join the Bar à encres team!

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try to refill your cartridges ?

To find out if my cartridge is compatible, I enter the reference number. If I read "compatible" it's all good!

Yes !

it is OK!
this cartridge is rechargeable.

You will 48% economy

This cartridge

new, in shop, costs

Recharge it at the

le bar à encres

costs you only

* average price generally observed in our partner stores

Oups !


We fill in 90% of cartridges on the market
but unfortunately not this one ...

Yes !

it is OK!
this cartridge is rechargeable.

Recharge it at the

le bar à encres

costs you only

* average price generally observed in our partner stores

Yes !

it is OK!
this cartridge is rechargeable.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to estimate the cost of recharging, as we do not have enough data on the prices charged by retailers.